Rush Liquid Incense Bestseller


BOX FIST STRONG small - 18 x


Push Poppers

Contents: 180 ml (18 x 10 ml)
Isopentyl Nitrite - CAS 110-46-3

The Fist Strong poppers is one of our best-selling poppers thanks to its Deep Formula that satisfies both poppers experts and beginners alike.

Made with strong isopentyl nitrite, one of the smoothest yet most hard-hitting we've had the pleasure of testing, we highly recommend the Fist Strong poppers during your popperbate or bottoming session so you can enjoy more satisfying sessions and bigger toys without problems.

The fantastic effect of poppers is to relax you and your muscles so you can completely be in the moment and be easily satisfied with big toys or your well-endowed partner.

Try Fist Strong, one of our best-selling poppers today!

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